Links to Advice on Consumer Protection - Scams, Rogue Traders, Loan Sharks and Psychic Frauds

Some of these articles were written a few years ago, but are highly likely to be still relevant.


Loan Sharks Lending Money at Excessive Interest Rates:

Fraudulent Psychics:

To the People's Concerns Page which features audio interviews on topics including people's stories of school bullying and their suggested methods of dealing with it, experiences of university life - including the fun side, and the tale of a cycling accident that could have been disastrous if it hadn't been for reflective gear.

There is also a self-help section on this site that covers such problems as depression, various phobias and other anxiety disorders, marriage problems, coping with bullies in the workplace or bullying or teasing at school, addictions, suffering with an eating disorder, an anger problem, recovering from the trauma of sexual abuse or domestic violence, coping with unemployment, and other things. Go to the self-help section.

There is also a section on the site about what the Bible says about topics such as violence, love and caring, prejudice, sex and marriage, drunkenness, and over-enthusiasm for money. Go to the Bible page

Broadcaster Home Page.