Links to Answers to Atheists, Theological Liberals and Other Bible Critics

Here is a selection of links to articles and websites that defend the validity of Christianity and the Bible.

Topics include:


This page may be especially useful for college students. Apparently, it's been discovered that many people raised as Christians lose their faith when they go to college and are exposed to alternative ideas. The articles linked to here may persuade people that Christianity and the Bible have not been discredited by science, research and reason after all. It may well be that a lot of Christians lose their faith because they've never really understood it, so it's easy for them to be persuaded even by the arguments of people who don't understand it either but think, based on their misconceptions about it, that it doesn't make sense, or that it's always a bad thing, or something else.

These articles will be useful for any Christian wanting to engage in friendly debate with atheists and those of other religions (or perhaps sometimes it'll turn into not such friendly debate).

There's no guarantee that everything in the articles is perfectly accurate; in fact, some of them may contain errors, and a few might be found to be based on entirely faulty premises, so don't go into debate thinking you know it all, but be prepared for a good rebuttal sometimes. In fact, there's no absolute guarantee Christianity's true, so it would be inappropriate to be dogmatic about anything; the atheists might turn out to have been right all along. But the articles will certainly help Christians to become more knowledgeable about the issues, so they'll be less likely to be dissuaded from being a Christian by information that is demonstrably false - and there's a lot of that about.

Although this page promotes Christianity, it is important to be wary of a lot of what goes on in Christian circles, such as con-tricks some pastors and televangelists play on large crowds of people who are often all-too-eager to believe them, and rumours or false claims some people can make that can scare people unnecessarily, or leave them believing things that are wacky and wrong-headed, or lead them to behave in ways that are foolish or downright mean-spirited to others. You can find out more in the article How to Avoid Falling for Many False Claims or Fears of the Supernatural.

If you're interested in debating a particular topic but the articles here on it don't have enough good information and the person you're debating is winning, there may well be better information out there you could find. Smile Here's some advice on How To Do Good Research.

But it might not come to that.

Naturally it isn't necessary for people to know anywhere near all the things in the articles linked to on this page to become a Christian or understand the Bible. The important things, such as the beautiful New Testament teaching on the way Christians should aspire to live, are very easily understood. However, there are many places where the Bible has been challenged by people who've found things they consider offensive or contradictory or inaccurate. Though most of the Old Testament is indeed liable to be offensive to most people who read it, and it's understandable that people should want to question other things about the Bible, these articles seek to address the charges against it.

I put this page together partly because I discovered that when some people lose their faith in Christianity, they experience a life crisis that can even cause severe depression. I don't believe there's any need for people to lose their faith, and I seek to demonstrate why. It may be that a lot of people would be happier not being Christians. Fair enough. But for people who are disturbed that their faith may be being threatened, the page may be a source of worthwhile information, as it may be for others.

If you're experiencing depression or stress at the moment, for whatever reason, it might be best not to follow these links now, since you may find it difficult to concentrate on the details of the in-depth articles linked to here, which would just be a common symptom of depression and stress; and some of them contain material you may find especially upsetting if you're a bit upset to begin with. You could visit our self-help material first if you like, which covers depression, life-damaging worry, panic attacks, phobias and OCD, marriage problems, bullying and teasing, eating disorders and self-harm, addictions, grief, raising difficult teenagers and toddlers, looking after someone with dementia, and other things: Free Self-Help to Recover From or Cope With Some Problems.

Links to articles on other websites open in new windows, while links to pages on this site open in the same one.

The Wisdom of Biblical Commands

These articles and other pages illustrate why the Bible is sensible to prohibit certain behaviours and encourage others. Several of the articles don't mention the Bible and are not written by Christian organisations, but they highlight problems and suggest solutions to things related to the kinds of practical life issues the Bible also talks about, so they can serve as illustrations of why many Bible commands are wise.

What's Wrong With a Life Focused on Materialism?

Is the New Testament Really Fair in Instructing Christians to Focus Their Lives on Being Compassionate and Doing Good to Others?

This subsection seeks to illustrate the need there is in the world for people with such attitudes, and the inspirational things others are doing:

Is the Bible Old-fashioned in Prohibiting Affairs, Sex Before Marriage and Indulgence in Lustful Thoughts?

Is the Bible Unreasonably Strict in Forbidding Christians to Lie to Each Other, Gossip and Tell Dirty Jokes?

Is the Bible a Killjoy in Forbidding Drunkenness?

Why Should We Take Notice of the Bible and Not Indulge in a Bit of Petty Theft Here and There?

Is the Bible Bigoted Against Homosexuals?

Are Some of Jesus' Commands in the Sermon on the Mount Extreme and Irresponsible?

Distortions of Christianity Where Man-Made Rules and Doctrines can Supersede Biblical Ones:

The purpose of this subsection is to illustrate that disillusionment with and misunderstanding of Christianity can result partly from the psychological damage and misleading teaching done in churches where power is abused or doctrines are made up.

Stories of People Who've Been Influenced for Good by Biblical Commands and Becoming Christians:

Links to Articles Revealing the Efficacy of Some of the Laws of Moses For Their Time:

Evidence For the Existence of God

Answers to Allegations that the Bible and God are Immoral Because of Suffering, Hell, Injustice and Atrocities

Answers to Accusations that the Bible Portrays God as Immoral:

Some Reasons Why the Bible Says God Allows People to Suffer:

Is Hell Really Never-Ending Torment?

The Bible, Slavery, and its Alleged Discrimination Against Women:

The Claims That Christianity Caused Most of the Wars and All the Witch Killing of the Last Millennium:

Note: This section is not meant to condemn atheism or evolution, but merely to refute the claim so often belligerently made that religion and especially Christianity is the cause of all or most wars, and the reason for all the executions of people accused of witchcraft. The items about witch killing are put here to demonstrate that the Christian Church did not have a monopoly on it, for it happens in non-Christian cultures, and for a variety of reasons, most of them non-religious. Similar reasons may possibly have motivated the Church to a large extent.

Responses to Claims that the Bible is Contradictory, Inaccurate and disproved by archaeology, Foolish and Unreliably Translated

Answers to Claims of Errors, Absurdities and Contradictions in the Bible:

Evidence for the Reliability of the Bible:

Archaeological Evidence of the Israelites' Conquest of Canaan and Discussion of their Exodus from Egypt:

Disputes About the Archaeology of Ancient Israel and its Surroundings:

Answering Doubts and Misconceptions About Jesus, the Unity of the Apostles and the Doctrine of the Trinity

Jesus' Divinity, the Old Testament Prophecies About Him, Evidence For His Resurrection, and the Theory that His Miracles Didn't Really Happen:

For Those With Problems Understanding the Doctrine of the Trinity:

Responses to Claims of Disagreements Among the First Leaders of Christianity:

Science and the Bible

Responses to Sceptical Opinions of the Genesis Story:

Note that it's the opinion of the person who put these links together that several of the articles linked to here should be taken as fun speculation rather than definite fact.
It's also very important to get a balanced view by learning about what mainstream science has to say, because rejecting it could mean rejecting some valuable new insights into medical advances and other things that could help humanity. For instance, evolutionary biology is teaching us a lot of interesting things. While it may possibly be incorrect about humans evolving from mere single-celled organisms, it has a lot of very important things to teach us about smaller changes. See, for instance:

Still, some interesting insights may also be gained by looking at alternative points of view. So here are some:

Response to the Claims that Early Christians Repressed Science and Learning

Arguing That Biblical Books Were Written By the Authentic Authors and Discussing Those Left Out of the Bible

Answers to Disputes About the Authorship of the New Testament Books, and The Books that were not put in the New Testament:

Disputes About the Authorship of Some of the Old Testament Books:

Illustrating that Christianity is Genuine and Not a Set of Myths Borrowed From Paganism and That it Can be Traced Back to People Who Knew Apostles

Refutation of Claims That Christianity and Judaism Borrowed Their Beliefs From Paganism:

Information On Men Who Are Thought To Have Known Jesus' Apostles Or To Have Known Others Who Did:

Some Reasons Why the Bible is Intolerant of Pagan/Spiritualist Practices

(News articles are indicated by the added information of their source and date.)

Pagan Practices of Biblical Times:

The articles linked to in the rest of this section could provide more of an idea of what some of the Pagans of biblical times might have been engaged in, and indicate that biblical warnings against various Pagan practices are still very much valid nowadays.

Gruesome Practices Related to Witchcraft in Some Pagan Cultures Today, Which Might be Similar to Those Practised in Biblical Times:

(Note: Modern Western-style Pagans will not engage in the gruesome practices described in the articles linked to above.)

How a Climate of Fear, Suspicion and Violence Can be Bred Where Witchcraft and Traditional Pagan Practices are Prevalent:

How Psychics and Other Such People Are Said to be Mostly Knowingly or Unwittingly Fraudulent:

The Truth Claims of Christianity Over Those of Other Religions

Note: This section is not intended to condemn other religions, but merely to respond to the often-made challenge: "Why is Christianity or the Bible any better or any more likely to be from God than any other religion or religious book??" Other religions do contain some beautiful truths.

See, for instance, some quotes from a web page called Shared belief in the "Golden Rule" (a/k.a. Ethics of Reciprocity)

But here are some articles that suggest that if any religion is better than any other, it's Christianity:

Right! By the time you've read all those, you should be confident that if any query hasn't been answered here, it probably will be somewhere on the Internet! :-)

Things to Watch Out For in Debate

The Main Pages On This Site:

Warning Against Believing Everything you Hear or Read

Don't be afraid to question the truth of what a religious authority figure tells you, or even the Bible or other holy books themselves, or certain people's interpretation of them. Nothing to do with religion or the supernatural is so well established in fact it shouldn't be questioned. To find out why caution is a good idea, visit:

The Beauty of the New Testament's Moral Teaching and Other Important Pages on this Website

Are you up to trying the challenges of the New Testament's moral guidelines, and would you like to know more of what it says about the love of Jesus? Here are some links to Bible quotes about the beautiful ideals the New Testament encourages Christians to try to live up to:

There are a lot of pages on this website with quotations from the Old Testament on them. Many of these are unfortunately rather gruesome, since the main theme of the Old Testament is warnings and stories about how it says societies were punished for mass lawless and hurtful behaviour, even to the extent of having war brought on them by God, that seem to have been designed to scare societies where crime and violence were rampant into behaving more ethically. In case there is any misunderstanding, it should be understood that this website does not endorse war as anything other than a last resort. The position of the website owner can be gleaned from the articles:

Fancy some light relief or laughter therapy? Then go to the first of our jokes pages:

If you have a problem affecting your mental health or well-being, like depression, a difficulty with life-damaging worry, panic attacks, phobias or OCD, marriage problems, an addiction, an eating disorder, recovering from the trauma of sexual abuse or domestic violence, coping with bullies in the workplace, or bullying and teasing at school, trying to lose weight, raising difficult teenagers, caring for someone with a disease like Alzheimer's, wanting to recover from anorexia or self-harm, or grieving for someone you were close to or feeling lonely, and you'd like some ideas on coping or getting past it, visit our Self-help series.

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