Self-Help, Stories of People's Problems and How They Cope With Them ... and Bible Topics
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Welcome to are a variety of things on this website, from articles on self-help for people with emotional or relationship problems, to interviews with people about how they cope with problems that you can actually hear, to links to information about scam artists and the like, warning people of what to beware of and how to avoid being conned, to Bible topics, to Humour. This website is split into two main sections: |
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Section 1 features sound files and links to articles on topics of human interest. These sound files will hopefully be of benefit to people, and most pages feature links to other websites where people can find resources that could help them with problems related to the topics featured in the sound files. Section 1 also features the self help series, where articles include:
To find out what else is in the series, visit the Free Self-Help to Recover From or Cope With Some Problems. |
Sound files include interviews with people who talk about
their experiences of and/or ways of coping with...
Read most of the Bible in four months on this website! |
This site includes information that explains some things in the Bible that some people find problematic and Links to answers to critics of the Bible and Christianity.
If you're feeling a bit depressed, you may find some of the content on some of the pages in section 2 like those quite upsetting or too complex to concentrate on. It's normal to find it difficult to concentrate when depressed and it should pass; but if you're feeling like that, it might be best to visit the self-help articles in section 1 first. |
The Bible passages here have been put together in such a way as to make it easy to find out more-or-less everything the Bible says about important topics and others, so people can quickly inform themselves more about it. Where teaching on particular subjects is in several different parts of the Bible so you might never find some of it, I've put it all together in one place. I've used modern translations, so the quotations will not be full of words that will be out-dated or hard to understand. I have not added anybody's personal theological opinion to most of the pages made up of Bible quotes. I put the Bible passages together so people can easily find out what the Bible says, - people who might otherwise be misled by inaccurate teaching or who don't realise how much the New Testament says about everyday situations, or who've never been motivated to read it much in the past and so don't know how interesting it is. This section is also aimed at people who may not have the chance to read a Bible themselves, as they live where Christianity is illegal and thus Bibles are not freely available. --- Diana Holbourn, Site Owner |
If we've given you the impression that we don't believe in fun on this website, that's not true; if you feel in need of a bit of light entertainment, you can find some here on our jokes pages, the first of which is Christian Jokes.
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To comment on any of the material on this website, or if you feel strongly about a social/psychological issue/matter of concern that you would like to see information about here, please Email the site owner. To report broken links (thanks in advance!), suggest changes to the layout of the site, or indeed anything to do with the look of the site itself and/or the HTML, please Email the webmaster. If you email us, please use the subject line already there in the email, since there is a spam filter that will otherwise treat an email as spam and delete it. Sorry for any inconvenience; it was put there as an easy way of weeding out and getting rid of all the spam sent to these addresses. All feedback about this website is gratefully received. Thanks :-) |
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This site was launched on Tuesday, April 17, 2001.
This page was last modified on Monday, July 14, 2014.
This site is run by Diana Holbourn.
My thanks go to Phil and Jo Holbourn who have a significant part in the web design; and also to Jonathan Broder, owner of the website Penguin On Holiday, who has made and found a few of the images for articles in the self-help section.
If you think we have sent you some spam and are checking us out, then please note: we do not send spam! Many email addresses that spammers use are fraudulent, and they sometimes erase their own address and put legitimate email addresses that aren't their own where the "from" address goes, to disguise where the emails are really coming from.
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